Monday, January 7, 2013

The penguins at someone else's home

Tonight, we are helping Mr. Penguin's parents with all their electronic needs. Which will probably end up causing them more confusion in the long run. MIL got a new Kindle Fire and new mp3 player for the holidays, and FIL got his first cell phone. We bought them a router to aid in their data consumption, and delivered the whole kit 'n' caboodle this evening. After a delicious dinner we sat down to work, and once again technology made me look a fool. We all know how it goes... you say "oh, it's so easy" and then something starts going crazy. In this instance, kindle fires come with some kind of autocomplete and autocorrect that wouldn't recognize her email address as a real word- it kept autocorrecting it just slightly so we didn't notice until logging in would fail. Oh, technology. Make a chump out of me, will you? Now my in laws think technology is scary* and that I'm tying to put one over on them.**
All was not lost. We successfully taught someone to play Angry Birds, after all.

*they don't really think that. Well, maybe my FIL does.
**they don't really think that, either. I hope.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A very penguin new year

Happy new year! We rang in the year and promptly went to bed. Consequently, there was leftover cold duck this morning, and you know what that means - mimosas! Don't know if cold duck mimosas are a thing or not, but they should be.

Happy snowy, blowy, cold delightful new year!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Hello, welcome to our blog! Let me answer a few questions for you. Why a blog? I like blogs. I like to write. I figure this will also keep people up-to-date on us. What do you do? I'm a Librarian: note the big L. I have a Masters degree in library science and work for a large urban library system. You need a master's degree for that? Yes. What is this blog about? Its about life as a newlywed, living in a cute rental house in a suburbs. We're starting our lives, and we thought it merited documenting. Maybe we're vapid narcissists. But maybe not. Who's your husband? Mr. Penguin is a market analyst for a company providing interpreting for hospitals and other businesses. He likes 80s metal, cheeseburgers, and Lovecraft novels. What about you? Me? I like the Iron and Wine, sushi, and Jane Austen. We end up listening to NPR a lot as a compromise.